Free Crochet Sock Monkey Face Pattern

Recently I had a customer order a sock monkey photo prop set.  I had seen some free patterns online and checked several out. The one that I like best was this one. While I like this pattern and did use it for the basic hat, I wanted to change the mouth and ears up a little bit. I really like what I came up with and I’m glad to share with anyone who might like my version!!

Use the above link for the basic hat pattern or use your own personal favorite!

The eyes are black buttons sewn on with cream yarn. Easy peasy, but you could always crochet a couple black circles instead if you prefer.021

Monkey Mouth

Basically I just used these instructions, with cream-colored Hobby Lobby I Love This Cotton yarn and a g hook. If you prefer to have the specifics, here is what I did:

Round One
chain 9
sc in second stitch
sc 6 across
3 sc in last stitch
sc 6 across the backside of the original chain
3 sc in last loop of the backside of the original chain
ss to first sc to complete the round

Round Two
sc 6 across
2 sc in next stitch
1 sc
2 sc in next stitch
sc 6 across
sc 2 in the next stitch
sc 1
sc 2 in the next stitch
ss to join

Round Three
sc 7
sc 2 in the next stitch
sc 1
sc 2 in the next stitch
sc 9 across
sc 2 in the next stitch
sc 1
sc 2 in the next stitch
ss to join

Round Four
sc 8 across
sc 2 in the next stitch
sc 1
sc 2 in the next stitch
sc 12 across
sc 2 in the next stitch
sc 1
sc 2 in the next stitch
ss to join

Use invisible join to finish off the oval. Leave a long tail to use for sewing  to hat.

Slip stitch a row of red in the center of your oval to complete the monkey mouth.


The monkey ears come together quickly and they are so cute! These would be cute on a plain hat too.

Sock Monkey Ears (Make 2)
Using main hat color and a g hook

In a Magic ring (leave a long tail for sewing onto hat)

Ch 1 Turn, HDC in 1st, 2 HDC in next, HDC in 3rd, 2 HDC in next, HDC in last (7sts)

Ch 1, turn, 2 SC in each stitch around (14sts)

1 DC  in each st around (14 sts)

Finish off and sew onto hat. Weave in ends.

These patterns are not to be sold, but of course, feel free to sell any items made using my patterns, as it is your legal right to do so! I’m so excited to offer my very first free pattern! Let me know if there are any errors and I will try to get them fixed. Find me on Ravelry, twitter, facebook, or HERE!! I love getting feedback and comments!

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